84 charing cross road


Este libro es el relato de la historia de amor entre la Srta. Helene Hanff de Nueva York y los Sres. Marks and Co, vendedores de libros raros y de segunda mano, en el 84 Charing Cross Road, de Londres, a través de una serie de correspondencia a lo largo de los años.

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‘Your ad in the Saturday Review of Literature says that you specialize in out-of-print books. The phrase ‘antiquarian book-sellers’ scares me somewhat, as I equate ‘antique’ with expensive. I am a poor writer with an antiquarian taste in books and all the things I want are impossible to get over here except in very expensive rare editions, or in Barnes & Noble’s grimy, marked-up schoolboy copies.’ So begins the delightfully reticent love affair between Miss Helene Hanff of New York and Messrs Marks and Co, sellers of rare and secondhand books, at 84 Charing Cross Road, London. For 20 years, this outspoken New York writer and Frank Doel, a rather more restrained London bookseller carry on an increasingly touching correspondence.

Tamaño: 178x110x16
Sello editorial: TIME WARNE
Páginas: 220