Summer things to make and do


Diecisiete actividades para mantener a los niños ocupados durante largos días de verano.
Los proyectos incluyen arco iris de color 3-D cangrejos, una pintura de huellas dactilares junto al mar y un barco de pesca móvil.
Cada actividad se ilustra claramente con instrucciones paso a paso.
Con más de 100 pegatinas para añadir a las creaciones acabadas.

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Things to make and do
Summer things to make and do

Seventeen activities to keep children busy during long summer days.
Projects include rainbow coloured 3-D crabs, a fingerprint seaside painting and a fishing boat mobile.
Every activity is clearly illustrated with step-by-step instructions.
With over 100 stickers to add to the finished creations.

Key Stage: KS1/2 E/A/DT; Age 4+ (info)

ISBN: 9780746076699
32 pages + 2 pages of stickers
305 x 238mm

Author/Editor: Fiona Watt

Additional information

Weight 0,4 kg
Dimensions 30,5 × 20,799999 cm


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