1-25 Dot-to-Dots


Resuelve los rompecabezas punto-a-punto y practica contando al mismo tiemp. Este libro de 32 páginas presenta una divertida una colección de amigos animales y escenas lúdicas. Cada rompecabezas relaciona los puntos con números del 1 al 25 y se centra en el desarrollo de la secuencia y la coordinación ojo-mano. A partir de 4 años

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1-25 Dot-to-Dots

Solve the dot-to-dot puzzles, and practice counting at the same time! Dot-to-dots in this 32-page workbook from the Get Ready! Series connect an amusing collection of animal friends and playful scenes. Each puzzle labels the dots with numbers 1-25 and focuses on developing sequencing and eye-hand coordination–the skills that help prepare little ones for school. Once they connect the dots correctly, kids can reward themselves by coloring in the picture they helped create. With 32 playful puzzles to solve, developing a «learning is fun» habit comes easy. Get the School Zone Advantage™ today!

Fun Features & Big Benefits!
• 32 pages of colorful drawings and dot-to-dot fun
• Parent Guide inside front cover
• Certificate of Achievement inside back cover
• A terrific value!

ISBN-13: 9780887434471
Contents: 32 pages
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Ages 4-6

Información adicional

Peso 0,35 kg


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