Big Math 1-2 Workbook


Un gran libro lleno  de ejercicios para aprender de una manera amena y divertida, estas actividades ayudaran a tu hijo a aprender a sumar, restar, multiplicar, fraccionar y mucho más mientras se divierten con historias y resolver los problemas con imaginación siguiendo los principios y estándares para la educación matemática (NCTM)

Edades: 6-8 años.

1 disponibles

SKU: 9781601590152 Categorías: , ,


Here’s where it all begins to add up! Early math skills are also life skills, and the Big Math 1-2 Workbook is packed with exercises that make learning fun. These proven activities will help your child be successful in school by teaching addition, subtraction, story problems, time, money, fractions, multiplication, and more. Imagination meets real-world problem-solving. We used The Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), as a guide in writing this book.

Fun Features & Big Benefits
• 299 workbook pages for hours of learning activities
• Perforated pages great for use as individual worksheets
• Introduces pictographs, tables and bar graphs
• Friendly, colorful critters make problem-solving playful
• Parent Guide inside cover
• Easy-reference Answer Key in back
• Award Certificate
• Fun, affordable learning!

Skills: addition; subtraction; before, between and after; greater than/less than; tens and ones; count by 10s; count by 100s; making change; adding/subtracting money; currency denominations; coin denominations telling time; ordinal numbers; even/odd