First hundred words in German


Inicia a los niños en el alemán con este libro, cada doble página contiene una escena diaria detallada, además de los objetos de la escena con sus nombres en alemán. Con ilustraciones humorísticas y detalladas de 4-5 años

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SKU: 9780746058220 Categorías: ,


First hundred words in German


Alphabetical German/English word list
Easy-to-use pronunciation guide

Illustrated by Stephen Cartwright

Yellow duck to find on every page
Get children started in German this colourful word book. Each double page contains a detailed, everyday scene, plus objects from the scene with their names in German. With Stephen Cartwright’s humorous and detailed illustrations, this delightful book will encourage language learning through direct association of the word with the object.

ISBN: 9780746058220
305 x 229mm

Author/Editor: Heather Amery

Illustrator: Stephen Cartwright