Get Ready For Math!


Este libro ha sido desarrollado para ayudar a los niños a aprender y repasar matemáticas. El tamaño es perfecto para las manos pequeñas y un ajuste fácil en las mochilas o bolsas para llevar. Se incluyen  matemáticas apropiadas para este nivel de edad, tales como el reconocimiento de números hasta el 12, la correspondencia uno-a-uno, los conceptos de más y menos, etc. Desde los 7 años.

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SKU: 9781601593085 Categorías: , ,


Get Ready For Math!

ISBN-13: 9781601593085
Contents: 48 pages
Size: 5.375″ x 8.5″
Ages 5-7

Give your child a boost in school by building math skills! This Little Get Ready! Book has been developed to help kindergarteners and first graders learn and review math skills. It’s just the right size for small hands and also an easy fit in backpacks or totes for take-along learning fun! Included in this book are math objectives appropriate for this age level, such as number recognition through 12, one-to-one correspondence, concepts of more and less, simple addition and subtraction equations, and more. When your child opens a Little Get Ready! Book, he or she will discover a place where fun and learning come together.

Fun Features & Benefits
• Unique tablet format
• 48 pages of activities
• Tear-out pages for
individual worksheets
• Convenient 5 ½” X 9” size
• A great value!