Alphabet Flash Cards (flashcards)


Involucra a tu niño/a en la emoción de aprender el abecedario. Estas fantásticas cartas refuerzan habilidades básicas como la memoria, la pronunciación y el movimiento en cada lección. Los niños aprenderán la fonética y asociarán los sonidos de las letras con objetos. ¡Ofrece este colorido mundo de letras a tus hijos estas Navidades! Edad recomendada: +3 años


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SKU: 9780938256861 Category:


Involve your child in the joy of learning the ABC’s.Our Alphabet flash cards bring skills such as memory, listening, and movement into each fun-filled lesson. Children will get to know phonics and be able to connect letter sounds with objects: K is for Kite, for example. They will also learn that each letter is a symbol that can be memorized. Offer this colorful world of letters to your child today.

Fun Features & Big Benefits 
• Access code for Golden Scholar Club free online gift
• 52 unique, colorful illustrations
• Letters written in bold, block-style
• All upper- and lowercase letters included
• Thick, glossy cardstock
• Rounded corners for easy sorting
• Parent Card offers game instruction
• A great value!

Skills: alphabet; eye-hand coordination; letter-picture recognition; word-picture recognition

Additional information

Weight 0,2 kg
Dimensions 8,4 × 16 cm


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